According to a new study, sleeping naked is something that should not be limited to a warm night. It turns out that it has a range of health-enhancing benefits ranging from increasing male virility to reducing stress. Leaving that “extra luggage” seems like it can only make life a little easier.
Maintaining body temperature: The study that was conducted by the Los Angeles Sleep Study Institute stated that there is a direct link between insomnia and poor regulation of body temperature. The reason, according to the study, people still wake up at night is due to overheating.
However, by getting rid of clothing, the body can keep its own temperature better.
Researchers at the University of Warwick have found that people who sleep less at night are more prone to a pre-diabetic condition called incidence of fasting blood glucose in which the body is not able to produce enough glucose. The condition is a precursor to the development of type 2 diabetes and they also have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
Helps fight heart disease.
Sperm Quality Boosts: A 2015 study found that men who want to start a family should sleep naked. According to them, men wearing loose boxer shorts and sleeping naked had sperm quality that was less damaged than those wearing tight pants.
Neil Robinson, who spoke with Huffington Post, said sleeping naked helps to decrease cortisol, increases growth hormone and balances melatonin, all of which work to reduce sleep levels.
Less Clothing Means Happier: A 2014 study found that naked sleeping couples claimed to be happier together. This 57 percent was compared to 48 percent who slept in pajamas, 43 percent in nighties and 38 percent in onesies.
Good for the skin: Neil Robinson also told Huffington that sleeping naked improves circulation and keeps skin healthier.