AP Eamcet 2015 today

This entrance examination is organized and announced by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada. This University is to provide quality education and the campus has been highly professional and competitive engineers. Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (Apsche) has entrusted the task of carrying out the prestigious entrance exam of the State “EAMCET-2015” for JNTUK for the first time after the reorganization of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Nearly 2.5 lakh students have applied intermediate EAMCET-2015. Those students applied for the AP EAMCET examination are eagerly waiting to download the Admit card. This is the big test for students for eligibility to join the university recognized by the UG courses.
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada has officially announced that it will release the Admit card at the Official Site. Candidates can download the Admit card today. The EAMCET 2015 Admit card will be available at the official site of the May 2 to May 6 2015 AP EAMCET 2015 examination will be held on May 08, 2015 Morning Session Engineering (E) examination form 10 a.m.-01: 00 PM and the afternoon session for Agriculture and Medicine (AM) exam of 14:30 to 17:30
All students will appear for examination on May 8, 2015 you need the Admit card. Candidates are advised to download the Admit card before the last date for the end avoid unnecessary tensions. Admit card contains important details such as the venue of the examination; roll number, room number, etc. Candidates who will be writing the examination should test original identity. Before entering the examination room may be asked to support a card and a proof of the original identity.