
Telangana 25000 Notifications TSPSC to generate employment for July 2015





25000 Notifications TSPSC job can come in July 2015. On the Day of the founding of Telangana, KCR CM along with cabinet ministers announced that parade, Secunderabad.

To mark the 29th Formation Day Telangana state of India, CM K Chandrasekhara Rao, along with cabinet ministers announced that there will be about 25,000 jobs for people in the state for next July. All delegates participated in a series of programs to celebrate the event in Hyderabad Parade Grounds.

On Tuesday, Chief Minister paid tribute to the martyrs in the column of the Martyrs, near the Ministry of the morning and began the celebrations of the formation of TS for the first completion year. In the square, they discussed the development activities that the government will take in the coming days in the TRS party.

CM reported that the notification be recruiting 25,000 jobs in the coming months by TSPSC July. All candidates who are eligible for the different number of seats may request a reduction in the negative rate of unemployment.

He also said that the problem of power shortage is reduced this year and by 2018, all energy consumers will get 24 hours regardless of their occupation. Plans for welfare for poor and middle-class people are being implemented with Rs. 24,000 crore investment.

To overcome water shortages in the districts of Nalgonda and Mahaboobnagar, irrigation systems they rose up to Rs. 35,000 crore. Both Hussainsagar Ciudad Vieja and which are the main places to represent Hyderabad are made with free Wi-Fi facilities.

Many wellness programs like this are being taken and the government is trying to keep people from getting state minimum requirements to drive your happy life.

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