Apple acquires a German company dedicated to AR and eye tracking

Apple has confirmed it has acquired a German computer vision company called SensoMotoric Instruments, according to a report by Axios. The company develops eye tracking technology that can be used in virtual and augmented reality headphones.
Apple’s move makes a lot of sense given the company’s growing interest in AR applications. It could also help Apple in the development of software that can be integrated into the next iPhones or can come to life as separate devices.
Apple has not yet officially confirmed the deal, as it never opens on its public acquisitions. However, the company representative alluded to the acquisition saying “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.”
It will be interesting to see how Apple uses the intellectual property of SensoMotoric Instruments, until then we will have to wait to know what kind of software or piece of hardware the giant of Cupertino might be developing.
Apple CEO Tim Cook has gone on record to express his views on budding AR technology and how it is hugely shocking. He also believes that AR could be as transformative as the smartphone itself.