The strike by the RTC workers is only getting worse. The driver of a suicide attempt in Khammam on Saturday passed away on Sunday while undergoing treatment in Hyderabad. Shortly after his death, conductor Surender Goud was hanged at his home in Hyderabad on Sunday night. Surender Goud, who is a conductor at Raniganj Depot, has a wife and two children. Surender, who is on leave for a week due to fever, has been participating in the agitation for the past four days. Driver Srinivasa Reddy was seriously upset over the suicide attempt.
Surendergaud, who got married to his daughter a year ago, borrowed Rs 10 lakh from State Bank. The checks bounced when the government did not pay the salary for the month of September, while the installments paid off with a monthly salary. Family members said they received a message from the bank and were worried about how to settle the loan. The decision of the government in the case of RTC workers is gone. Surendergoud was offended and forced to die.
In Medak district, Narsampet, a driver was on patrol and attempted suicide. He was detained by fellow workers and police. With the death of Srinivasa Reddy, there was not a single bus in the Khammam region. RTC officials and security personnel in Nalgonda, Warangal, Nizamabad and Mahabubnagar have decided not to pay salaries of the striking workers.
The RTC expressed their anger over their decision. Thanks for their great support. Several revenue associations have supported the strike. A dharna was held at all depots in Andhra Pradesh on Sunday under the aegis of the ATS RTC ICASA in support of the Telangana RTC workers’ strike. This has raised concerns about the conditions that the RTC workers’ strike will lead to.