Birth defects can make life a challenge for any child and not be able to use their hands and legs is next to being paralyzed. Although such ailments can be treated surgically, lack of effective resources and sanitary facilities can add to the trauma of living with such conditions.
Telangana’s eight-year-old Aswanth is going through an ordeal as he suffers from a condition that has caused his fingers and toes to fuse. The child is unable to use his hands and can not wear shoes because of the genetic disorder that also causes his head to grow abnormally large.
Your family is desperately trying to get the necessary treatment, as they have sold all their belongings to help Aswanth. His father is a truck cleaner and has been separated with jewelry as well as property for proper diagnosis.
Aswanth suffers from Apert syndrome and since his condition was fully diagnosed in July he is now in the advanced stages. Although extensive surgery is needed to cure the defects, their parents have run out of resources and can no longer support treatment.
The child began to show symptoms at the age of three, but due to lack of awareness of their parents did not pay attention and things got worse. Now a village has started a crowdfunding campaign to help Aswanth and has managed to raise 80000 rupees from afar.