‘HA HA has blocked the sun’: Moon throws shadow to the sun on Twitter

As if a solar eclipse was not enough, the moon cast a virtual shadow on the sun on Twitter Monday as millions watched the first complete eclipse from coast to coast in the United States in almost a century.
“HA HA HA I’ve blocked the sun!” He wrote NASA Moon (@NASAMoon) on his verified Twitter account, which was created by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “Make way for the Moon # SolarEclipse2017”.
The tweet was accompanied by a screen shot showing that the moon had blocked NASA’s verified Sun & Space Twitter profile (@NASASun). The sun’s response was quick.
“Uh EXCUSE me?!? # Solareclipse2017”, tweeted @ NASASun.
Tens of thousands of Twitter users enjoyed the exchange and many social network users responded with fun.
“This is too perfect, congratulations, you have won the entire internet,” said Andy Stein
“I feel that the moon is going to have some links in the sun, but it will come out at the top,” wrote another user,
Some users exacerbated spat online, using celebrity GIF clapping and toasting the moon, while some accused him of being mean and demanded that the sun respond.
After weeks of anticipation, the view of the moon silhouette erasing everything except a halo-like sun crown drew shouts and joys of spectators as it began on the west coast on Monday.