London: You may be a meat lover, but what we can see recently is that the world faces the wave of vegetarianism. But why is it so?
If we look at the West, meat is its staple food, but only Britain has 28 percent of meat consumers reducing consumption in the last six months, and 14 percent are interested in reducing meat and poultry in The future Analysts Mintel.
Here are the seven reasons, according to the Independent, why a large percentage of British people are switching to a vegetarian lifestyle:
Animal well-being: People have awakened to animal abuse, and now have an ethical obligation to avoid meat. To avoid being hypocritical to support the welfare of animals and then return home to eat meat, many people have completely stopped meat intake by citing this moral compulsion. This is the main reason in Britain with 54 percent of people citing it. Popular films like ‘Cowspiracy’ and ‘Forks Over Knives’ have also shed light on animal atrocities.
Health: Many studies have shown that eating meat increases the risk of heart disease among many other diseases. About 49 percent of the British cited health concern only to reduce their meat intake, with them admitting that too much meat could be bad for them. A Netflix documentary, “What The Health,” went so far as to say that eating an egg was as bad as smoking five cigarettes a day.
Weight management: Social media has been instrumental in spreading body positivity, but it can not be ignored that obesity, a major concern in America and a serious health hazard, is increasing among the urban population of India too. Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet is more effective for weight loss, as compared to a meat-based diet. Therefore, for 29 percent of the British, the waist has taken priority over meat.
Healthy food bloggers: Many health bloggers have come up on different social media platforms, motivating web surfers to get in shape. Bloggers such as Deliciously Ella plants have been a strong influence for almost 16 percent of British citizens who decided to leave the meat for a healthier lifestyle. “Following a meat-free diet is likely to be an aspiration for many consumers and social networks are playing an important role in attracting this effort,” explains Emma Clifford, food analyst at Mintel.
Environmental Concerns: Young people are aware of the incremental environmental problems they would face in the future. People under the age of 25 formed the majority of vegetarians who cited environmental concern as their main reason. “Point out that consumers are making a choice that is good for the environment and that can help create a greener future in the long run is likely to be a persuasive selling point,” explains Clifford.
Public Campaigns: Campaigns like Monday without Meat – supported by Jamie Oliver-, National Vegetarian Week and Veganuary have been strong proponents of the green lifestyle, with 39 percent of meat reducers attributed to such campaigns as motivation.
Money: It is a well-known fact that a chicken burger costs more than the vegetarian hamburger, or in other words, food expenses are higher for meat consumers. What could be a greater motivation than saving money? This is especially for young people who are students or are struggling to make ends meet.