In what could be an earth-shattering budget for a Malayalam film despite that the industry is ‘small’ and its scope is limited, upcoming Malayalam film is being made with a staggering budget of Rs 600 Crore. This will be the budget for Mohanlal’s forthcoming film “Randamoozham”. The film is going to see two biggest stars of the generation – Mohanlal and Amitabh Bachchan.
While Mohanlal will be seen playing the role of Bhima, Amitabh said to have given his nod to essay the role of Bishma. A la magnum opus Baahubali, “Randamoozham” is going to be made in two parts.
The film is touted to be the big screen adaptation of of MT Vasudevan Nair’s novel of the same name. It’s learnt that the script work has been done and the makers are prepping up to hit the floors.
The film, ‘Randamoozham’, said to have a lot of action scenes, involving chariots and hence India’s leading action choreographer Peter Hein, who worked for films such as Baahubali, has been roped in.
However, the film would only begin its shoot next year as Mohanlal has lineup of commitments. Currently, Mohanlal is waiting for the release of ‘1971- Beyond Borders’ and is working for his upcoming film ‘Villain’. He also announced to do Malayalam movie ‘Odiyan’ this year before ‘Randamoozham’.
It’s buzzed that the film would be made in Malayalam and dub in Hindi, Telugu given that both Mohanlal, Amitabh are quite popular. This is not the first-time both the twain teaming up together. The duo have earlier worked for ‘Kandahar’ and ‘RGV Ki Aag’.