Mentally disabled woman “chained”, alleges discomfort in rehabilitation center

Hyderabad: rehabilitation centers are meant to serve the neglected and aged who have been isolated from their families, but a particular rehabilitation of Hyderabad is in the limelight for all the wrong reasons.
A young woman was found chained and naked in the rehabilitation center, ‘Aram Ghar’.
According to Renuka (victim) she wants to live with her parents and wants to go to the place where she can play happily.
“A night person comes and touches me, but I can not catch him because there is no light in the room,” he said.
However, the Superintendent of ‘Aram Ghar’, Basha said that Renuka is mentally disabled because his mood will change every hour.
“She will be good for some time and suddenly in the next moment she will become wild. In December 2014 the police admitted her here. I have said many times not to chain her, but the maid does,” he added.
But after seeing all the videos, psychiatrist Dr. Prasad Rao said that it can not even be said that she is mentally ill.
“As they claim that she is mentally retarded, and where humanity is, we do not even chain mental patients into extreme conditions,” Rao said.
In early April, the cusp court showed its willingness to develop a mechanism for the rehabilitation of people dismissed from mental asylums, whose relatives have not been willing to recover them after their recovery.
A bank headed by Supreme Judge JS Khehar issued a notice to the Union Ministry of Health saying that the item was on the concurrent list of the Constitution and therefore the Center also has the authority to frame the rules.
The court had earlier asked the center to frame the guidelines for the rehabilitation of people who have been cured of mental illness, noting that it was a very sensitive issue.
The higher court had previously favored the development of a uniform national policy to treat those suffering from mental illness and their release from hospitals after being cured.