Nirmala Sitharaman, who took over as defense minister on Thursday, said his priorities were military preparation, “Make in India” and the welfare of soldiers and their families.
“It is important for the Indian armed forces to receive the attention in terms of giving them every staff and equipment they need so they can do their duty with the best available equipment,” he said in a message after assuming the position.
She took over the ministry of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley who was taking additional charge since March, becoming the country’s first full-time minister of defense.
“I will attend all the outstanding issues and in consultation, and the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Security Committee (CCS) will ensure that the outstanding issues are resolved,” Sitharaman said.
Speaking of India’s defense capabilities, she emphasized having an important role to play for “Make in India” in our defense production and said: “We will make sure that the important characters of what makes” Make in India “an important flagship program of the Prime Minister is given full play for defense production, because India, as you know, is a very large defense team attorney. ”
Sitharaman said his other priority was the families of the armed forces and their welfare. “Let us not forget for a moment that it is in their welfare, in the well-being of their families, that we can ensure that the soldier on the most difficult frontiers, defying the areas in which they are protecting this country, is absolutely sure that their interests are being taken care of, “he said.
Promising to do his best to ensure that “defense and defense priorities are well served,” he added, “I will be available 24 hours a day.”
Speaking later at an event hosted by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), he said it was a privilege to deliver indigenous products on their first commitment after taking office.
The DRDO event, which was also attended by Interior Minister Rajnath Singh, saw the delivery of an armored bus, a bulletproof jacket, UAVs and small arms, among others, to the Armed Forces.
Noting that “the country’s import dependence has increased,” Singh said systems being developed by DPSUs under the “Make in India” initiative will reduce dependence.
Noting that defense purchases for the home ministry through the Ministry of Defense are behind schedule for the CAPF, Singh said a framework was needed for the supply of defense equipment.