Pakistan has once again hated India as a United Nations venue. Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech on Friday night at the United Nations House of Representatives. Imran has criticized Modi with the utmost badness. There is the possibility of Muslims turning to terrorism, blaming India for covering up their failure, he said. The House of Representatives was given 15 minutes to speak and 50 minutes to address. This was Imran’s first speech in the UN after taking over as prime minister, and it was remarkable that Kashmir was the most talked about issue.
Human rights violations are taking place in Kashmir, and the inhumane curfew has been imposed, demanding that it be lifted and the release of detainees. War has once again been mentioned that the conflict between the two nuclear weapons is not good. If war is with a neighboring country, the only option is to surrender or fight to the last breath, seven times smaller than them. He said that Kashmir should be given self-determination, which is a major challenge for the United Nations.
Imran criticized Prime Minister Modi, alleging that he was not ready to negotiate. The 20-year-old youth of Kashmir at the Army Convoy has accused the Pulwama terrorist of committing suicide. He said that they were bombed if asked to prove their role in the attack.
Not wanting to escalate tensions, he said that he had released the Indian pilot, but that Modi had campaigned on the Pulwama attack in the election. Eddeva claimed that they had campaigned to kill 350 terrorists and that in fact they had demolished only ten trees. It is accepted that there is a terrorist camp in Balakot indirectly that the plants have been raised there again.
Modi said that this is only a trailer and the original movie has not started yet. Abolished all the laws that gave Kashmir a special status and deployed an additional 1.80 lakh army. He allegedly deployed an army of 9 million and put 80 million people on the curfew.