Pawan lonely soldier wants to quit smoking

All political parties are preparing for the 2019 elections. They are finetunng their strategies and drawing up their plans. But, Jana Sena by Pawan Kalyan is still in sleep mode. The organizational structure of the party has not been constituted. To date, no program has been submitted. Kalyan Dileep is officiating as party spokesman and is joining the television debates on behalf of the party.
But even he seems to be annoyed by Pawan Kalyan’s inaction. He feels increasingly disappointed. Thousands of Pawan fans have joined social media campaigns and have been working on behalf of Pawan. But Pawan is not guiding them. It is neither accessible nor inspiring enough.
He said Pawan Kalyan should clarify party policies and principles so that workers could do their part in the 2019 elections. Pawan Kalyan reportedly did not bother to issue even a press release on a matter related to his own constituency. This being the situation, why should I work?, He asks.