Sales of Guntur chilies affected by GST

Guntur: Chilli’s purchases stopped at the largest chilli patio in Asia in Guntur. Chili growers who kept chili stocks in the cold stores planned to sell the products but the absence of the transactions disappointed them. Chilean traders alleged that the road maps have not yet been issued under the new GST system that is slowing down to change the chili peppers and asking the Chilean producers not to bring products for sale.
Previously an average of 15,000-20,000 bags of chili used to reach the yard for sales, but the amount has been reduced to hundreds in recent days. Chilean producers are looking for officials to resolve the GST issue that will allow them to sell their products.
Traders G. Subba Rao and others said that the previous two percent tax was applicable to sell chiles in other states, but that had increased to 5 percent of taxes under GST. They mentioned that previously no tax was imposed on the export of chiles to other countries, but under the TST they have to pay a tax of 5 percent.
They asserted that there are no taxes to commission commission agents and dealers, but that they were identified as service providers and 18 percent have been imposed under GST. They regretted that most of the chile traders are not aware about the GST system and did not receive any GST software to date.
They said that the road maps are necessary to change the populations of Chile to other districts and states and the godowns for storage purposes, but they do not have road maps, therefore, stopped the chilean transactions.
Chilean producers N Srinivasa Rao and others said the government banned the purchase of chili peppers stored in cold stores due to the purchase of new yield under the price assistance scheme during the last two months. They said that the scheme was completed on June 30th hence they planned to sell the stored peppers but the GST became a major hurdle. They sought the government to resolve the issue of road tickets that allowed them to sell chilies and resume farming activities.
The commissioner of the commercial tax department, Raja Babu, said purchases and exports can be made through invoices.
He said that the road maps would be delivered in three or four days and asked the merchants to contact the help desks to clarify their doubts.