Sonia Gandhi says Modi deserves credit for 10 things

Speaking at a meeting of the Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP), the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, who is also Chairman of the CPP, on Wednesday mounted a virulent attack on the prime minister Narendra Modi accusing him of falling into politics on foreign soil and for not fulfilling his promise to acche din.
“Last month Mr. Modi attacked the UPA and your predecessor on a visit to France. In Canada, it sank to a new low when referring to the UPA in contemptible terms. This outrageous remark on foreign soil belittles the dignity of the office holding and is an embarrassment to the nation, “he said.
Taking several excavations in the BJP government, he said Modi and his government were still in campaign mode even after a year of taking office. “Behind the smokescreen of development that the government is providing only acche din crony capitalists. Under the pretext of” making India “the government intends to dilute the rights and interests of the workers and laborers. Do they nothing in India? ” she said.
Also he fell heavily on the government’s economic policies Modi showing that his government had very little to show. “There is no significant economic achievement. According to the survey report office work, job creation has slowed. According to the GDP, eight key sectors of the economy recorded a negative growth. The investment in the manufacturing sector is falling and exports have decreased, “she said.
Looking to bust the myth of acche din of Modi, Sonia asked: “What you deserve credit for?” Providing a left handed compliment, which then went on to list 10 things that the Modi government deserves credit.
“They deserve credit for the anti-peasant legislative amendments to the majority of our Declaration of Land Acquisition. They deserve credit for ignoring the plight of farmers across the country in a show of callous indifference that has never been seen before. ”
“They deserve credit for threatening the livelihoods of millions of weavers and artisans for its proposal to repeal the Handlooms Reserve Act, and therefore also jeopardize a valuable part of our cultural heritage.”
“They deserve credit for important appointments meet gaps in the structure of government, especially those with independent authority to question the workings of the machinery of government. What is the government afraid of?”
“They deserve credit for creating more centralized government in the recent history of India. Ministers hardly matters. Even the bureaucrats, who are supposedly empowered, feels paralyzed because all key files are pending decision in the PMO. The Prime Minister likes to talk about consensus. However, ignoring the convention, this government acts with stubborn arrogance. I give two examples, the government recently imposed AFSPA in Arunachal Pradesh without even informing the CM, and they were going ahead with the deal Bangladesh land, excluding Assam. That is also apparent arrogance to force their way in Parliament. From 51 43 bills have not been sent to the standing committee. ”
“The government also deserves credit for the redefinition of democracy: it is no longer” of the people, by the people and for the people; but a government of some people, one person, for a select few. “