The railway department gave passengers before Dussehra. South Central Railway Platform at major stations in AP has decided to increase ticket rates. As the Dasara season begins .. Traffic is on the rise. If the current ticket price is Rs.10 .. it has been increased to Rs.30. The prices will remain in effect until October 10th. The increased prices will run at Vijayawada, Nellore and Rajahmundry stations. After that the old rates will come into force again.
Rail Central Railway officials say that the price of a platform farm ticket is increasing every year, keeping in view the congestion of train passengers during the Sankranti and Dasara festivals. Family, relatives and friends come to travel to their hometowns. As the congestion increases, ticket prices are temporarily increased to increase revenues. But the ticket price was increased from Rs 10 to Rs 20. Now, travelers are furious over raising Rs.