BJP plans to strengthen Telangana anyway. The BJP is joining the leaders of other parties. Official TRS is also planning strategies to counter the BJP. The pink bass that recently launched a ministerial expansion .. is making decisions to shock the Kamalnaths. The TRS government, which has decided to implement the new motor vehicle legislation introduced by the Center, says …
Both of these decisions are troubling to the BJP .. It is a relief to the general public. People are hoping that the TRS has made these decisions as the distance with the BJP has increased.
TRS seems to have written another strategy to get the BJP aggressive check in Telangana. TRS is contesting in the Maharashtra Assembly elections in Telangana-bound constituencies. It seems that the leaders are ready to compete on behalf of the TRS in 8 constituencies.
This could be considered a TRS strategic move. If you are looking to strengthen us, we are going to strengthen you. It is also possible to use TRS elections to promote welfare schemes in Maharashtra, such as farmer bandhu in Telangana.
Telangana development and welfare is great, the people of the state .. The TRS can be used to promote the neighboring state assembly elections. Winning one MLA seat there is a bonus to TRS. Luck has won the 8 places where it competed .. If it comes to the hungry .. If you have to play a key role in the formation of the government, the compromise with the BJP. If the plan is not workout, there is no new loss to the TRS .. !!